News & Events

Campus Update: September

New Programs: History, Biology, and Teacher Education with an Emphasis in Biology

As academic dean, I am happy to announce two new bachelor degree programs (B.A. History, B.S. Biology), as well as the new emphasis of Biology in our Teacher Education program to our growing list of rigorous programs. I would like to commend our faculty, staff, and administration on their efforts to extend our mission. Two commonalities that are evident in all three new additions are: 1) curriculum that is presented from a Biblical perspective such as historical analysis, ethics in science, and pedagogical techniques; 2) market differentiation, as compared to other institutions.

The new Bachelor of Arts in History focuses on historical interpretation and research skills. The addition of the B.S. in Biology has been a herculean effort that included over an $80,000 renovation in the Oller Science Building, as well as new equipment. This new program and Dr. Kemp's leadership will serve as our foundation for Randall University to explore future science-related degrees and certifications in the future. Lastly, the RU School of Education is committed to prepare teachers for the mission fields of public and private education. The addition of the Biology emphasis will produce fruit of more Christian educators in the fields of the natural sciences. Scholarships are available for these new programs, if you know anyone interested, please contact

-Dr. Brent Sykes, Academic Dean

"The History Program is developed within the overall mission of Randall University, with the idea of presenting an accurate understanding of the past from a Christian worldview. Students will learn to analyze and interpret the past in order to understand today's events within that worldview.

Students will gain practical insight by studying the social, economic, and governmental threads throughout history and comparing and contrasting them with their civilization today. Studying the key historical figures and events equips students with the analytical and interpretive skills needed to solve contemporary problems.

At the conclusion of their course of study, students will be able to apply a biblical worldview to the study of history; identify major historical periods, ideas, people and events; interpret and evaluate critical issues in history; conduct independent historical research and produce clear and compelling analysis; and explain the unique nature of the founding of America."

-Professor Steven Byas, History Program Director

"The new Bachelor of Science program in Biology is an exciting new addition to the Randall University repertoire. The degree program includes the common core courses such as biology, chemistry, anatomy/physiology, and physics. It also provides the student with challenging electives such as microbiology, biochemistry, pharmacology, and forensic toxicology. Ethics in Science and History of Science are new additions that round out a comprehensive program designed to prepare the Randall student for further study in nursing or medical school, private industry, and graduate school opportunities in the physical and life sciences."
-Dr. Phillip Kemp, Biology Program Director

"We are incredibly excited to announce our new Teacher Education program and certification. The Commission on Quality Education and Accountability has just approved our Bachelor of Science in Teacher Education, Biology emphasis and its associated teacher certification. Students earning this degree and certification will be licensed to teach 8 - 12th grade Biology at Oklahoma public middle, junior, and high schools. Our first graduate is currently student teaching and will graduate in December. Great job Dr. Kemp and Mrs. Harper for bringing this much needed secondary education program online."

-Dr. Michael Harris, Teacher Education Program Director