Pastoral Recommendation Form – Randall University

Pastoral Recommendation Form

The Church Tuition Assistance Program awards scholarship based on financial need along with the willingness of the student’s home church to assist them in obtaining a Randall University degree. Randall will match the amount given by the student’s home church up to a maximum of $300 per semester. Students must maintain a 2.00 GPA for continued eligibility.


In order to receive the award, students must meet the following conditions:

  1. The student must first apply for financial aid available through federal and state programs.
  2. The student must enroll in at least 12 hours each semester.
  3. The student must maintain at least a cumulative GPA of 2.0 and be making satisfactory progress towards a degree. If the cumulative GPA falls below 2.0, this award will be canceled. If the cumulative GPA rises above 2.0, the student may reapply, and the award be restored if funds are available.

Pastoral Recommendation for Church Tuition Assistance

After reading the information above, if your church wishes to participate in this program on behalf of a Randall University student from your congregation, please complete the brief form below.

    Student you are referring (full name)
    Your Information Your Full Name
    Your Phone Number
    Your Email

    Church Information Church Name
    Street Address
    Zip Code

    I understand the guidelines for awarding the church tuition assistance award. Our church desires to help the student listed above obtain a Christian Education at Randall University and does hereby agree to participate in the program.

    Your Signature (simply use your touchpad/mouse to write your signature in the box below.)

    Today's Date

    For More Information:

    Contact the Financial Aid Office at 405-912-9006 or