Student Ministry Verification Form – Randall University

Student Ministry Verification Form

The Dr. Thomas L. Marberry Christian Ministry Scholarship is a full tuition scholarship available to eligible Christian Ministry majors. The scholarship covers up to the cost of a student's tuition (additional costs of books, fees, etc. not included) and is currently valued at over $40,000 over the course of a degree program.

Students must meet all qualification requirements to apply. This scholarship has very specific criteria and requirements that must be considered. These requirements include the annual submission of this Student Verification Form by the applicant's pastor. Please contact the Financial Aid Office with any questions you might have.

Student Ministry Verification Form

If you would like to submit a Student Ministry Verification Form on behalf of a Randall University student, simply complete the brief online form below. Thank you!

    Student Ministry Verification Form

    I understand that the student has applied to Randall University’s School of Christian Ministry.

    I also understand that Randall University is committed to training men and women for ministry and, therefore, provides significant scholarships for students that are committed to ministry and intend to pursue this as a life call either vocationally or bi-vocationally.

    In order to award Christian Ministry Scholarships to students who have demonstrated a significant commitment to vocational or bi-vocational ministry, I understand that RU depends on ministers who are involved in the students’ lives to verify such commitment.

    Therefore, I verify that the student has demonstrated a serious commitment to a life call to pursue vocational or bi-vocational ministry.

    Student you are referring (full name)
    Your Full Name
    Your Phone Number
    Your Email
    Church Name
    Your Position
    Relationship to Student Applicant
    How long have you known this student?
    Would you like to provide any additional comments?

    Your Signature (simply use your touchpad/mouse to write your signature in the box below.)

    Today's Date

    For More Information:

    Contact the Financial Aid Office at 405-912-9006 or