Multidisciplinary Program Details – Randall University

Multidisciplinary Program Details

Multidisciplinary Studies Degree

Program Details

Students must complete 47 hours of the following general education requirements.

Humanities & Literature (Literature, Biblical Literature, Philosophy, Music, Art, Drama) - 12 hrs

Literary Study of the Bible I (ENGL 1513)

Literary Study of the Bible II (ENGL 1613)

Written Communication - 6 hrs

English Composition I (ENGL 1113)*

English Composition II (ENGL 1213)*

Mathematics - 3 hrs

Math (MATH 1500 or above)

Natural Science (Biology, Physics, Chemistry, Geology, Astronomy, Earth Science, Environmental Science) - 8 hrs

Social Studies (Psychology, Political Science, Economics, Sociology, Anthropology, History) - 9 hrs

American Fed. Government (POLS 1523) 3 hrs

American History (HIST 1323 or 1423) 3 hrs

Christian Studies 9 hrs

Christian Apologetics (PHIL 1123) - 3 hrs

FWB History & Doctrine (THEO 1213) - 3 hrs

Christian Studies Elective (Choose one) - 3 hrs

Bible Elective (BIBL courses)

Christian Ethics (PHIL 1113)

Theology Elective (THEO courses)