Reference Form – Randall University

Reference Form

As part of the application process for the Master of Arts in Ministry Program, applicants must have an adult who knows them well submit the following reference form. Thank you for agreeing to complete this form. Your feedback and input is extremely helpful to us as we process student applications. If you have any questions, please contact the Recruitment Office at

Reference Form

    General Information Applicant's Name

    Your Name

    Your Phone Number
    Your Email

    Background How long have you known the applicant?
    In what capacity do you know him/her?
    Briefly comment on the family and social background of applicant.

    Feedback For the following items, please choose the response that best describes the applicant. There is space below for additional comments.

    How does his/her manner, appearance, and personality affect others?

    Is he/she able to lead others?

    Is he/she a person of initiative?

    How does he/she control his/her emotions?

    How would you rate his/her adaptability?

    Does the applicant impress you as one who should be admitted to Randall University?

    Does the applicant impress you as the type who will succeed in life?

    Additional Comments Please share any further comments that you feel would help us in regard to the applicant.
    Your Signature (simply use your touchpad/mouse to write your signature in the box below)

    Today's Date