Back to Home Education Expo Home Page We are so glad you are attending our event! We want you to be encouraged in your Home Education journey! Family price $20 Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Name *Email *Phone *Number of Adults Attending *Number of Children Attending *Number of Children in 9th-12th Grade Selected Value: 0 Number of Children in 6th-8th Grade Selected Value: 0 Number of Children in 5th Grade and Under Selected Value: 0 Are your children interested in attending the Civics and Science Workshops held during the Breakout Sessions? (Available to 6th-12th grade; registration instructions will be sent in a separate email) *YesNoWill you be attending the FREE Family Revival Night with Israel Wayne of Family Renewal on June 21 at 6:30 PM? *YesNoUnsure at this timeQuestions or CommentsDo you have a discount? *NoYesDiscount Code *Would you like to help sponsor more families? *YesNoHow much would you be willing to give?$ Amount of GiftGift - $5.00Gift - $10.00Gift - $20.00Gift - $40.00Gift - $60.00Gift - $80.00Gift - $100.00Your PricePrice: $20.00Your PricePrice: $0.00Total$0.00Stripe Credit Card *CardName on CardSubmit